Sunday, March 16, 2014

Latest and Greatest

 Dear Family and Friends,

Thank you to those who made my
pilgrimage to Italy possible!

It is with great joy that I write this post to share what has been happening in my life! As many of you know, for the past few years I have been discerning a religious vocation, and the possibility that I might be called to consecrate my life to Christ and his Church.

During my freshman year at Texas A&M, I met a religious community called the Apostles of the Interior Life and it was around the same time I started spiritual direction with one of the Sisters. This religious community focuses on the spiritual poverty of God's children and their Charism was established to build up the Church by reminding her members of the importance of a personal relationship with God. Through spiritual direction, I saw first-hand the community at work within my soul and the souls of my dearest friends. This is where my journey with the community began! Since that time, I have participated in many parish missions and retreats; and have given witness talks with the community. My heart could not be more on fire!

The Apostles of the Interior Life
Recently, I took a big step in my journey by completing an application to join the Sisters. Just this last month, Sister Susan (the superior) gave me a letter of acceptance into a time of pre-formation. Hopefully, I will be moving back to College Station and into their convent this coming August.

It was such a blessing to graduate from Texas A&M in May of 2013! However, in my time there, I incurred debt from student loans. The Sisters desire that I be free of external pressures that may inhibit my further discernment with them, and in order to do that, I must be debt free.

Currently, I am working at Northwestern Mutual in Kansas City and have started paying my monthly student loan payments; however, I know that I am in need of greater assistance in order to move forward with the community this August. My current debt is $65,000 and by the grace of God, an anonymous donor has offered to match up to $20,000 of donations made!

First and foremost, I am asking for your prayers since I know full well that my journey with the Lord has only begun. If you have any prayer intentions that you would like me to hold close to heart, please let me know! Secondly, I ask you to pray about supporting me financially so that I may continue on the path that the Lord is leading me. My prayers shall by with you and yours always. God Bless!

In Mary's Love,
Briana Regina Santiago

To learn more about the Sisters, please visit their website listed in the "links" section above.

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